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Fashion Face-Off: Jennifer Lopez vs Taylor Swift

One is a married mother of two. The other dates around a lot and writes songs about it.

One will soon be seen every week on the American Idol. The other released a new album this month.


But while Jennifer Lopez and Taylor Swift differ in some ways, and share other traits, one thing is certain about each star: she has heart! Literally! Sort of!

At least that's the case when it comes to the shirt both the celebs were recently spotted out in. Grade this look now and vote in the poll below:

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Jenna Jameson: Bound for Broadway?!?

Jenna Jameson has extensive history of performing in front of the people. But can she do so with her clothes on?

The New York Post reports that the iconic porn star is in negotiations to join the Broadway play Rock of the Ages, specifically in the role of the Justice, the owner of a strip club.


"I think I'm perfect for the role," Jameson told the newspaper. "I am in talks with the producers, and I'm praying I get the role. Broadway has always been a dream of mine ever since I was a little girl. I am really excited."

Jameson says she's trying to jump to start a new career, while also turning over a new page in her life.

Taylor Swift Performs Free Concert in the Central Park

While rumors about her love life continue to swirl - GyllenSwift, anyone? - Taylor Swift is in full-on the album promotion mode.

The singer's new CD hit the stores on yesterday and Swift treated fans in the New York City to a surprise on behalf of it: she performed a free concert in the Central Park.


As far as we know, no ex-boyfriends were harmed during the event, as fans attendees cheered wildly for the Taylor. The talented crooner was accompanied by an orchestra, a piano and a lovely day.

Miley Cyrus Makes Like an Indian Cowgirl

Prepare to defend your girl, Miley Cyrus fans. THG is back on the attack!

We gave this young star a reluctant props last week for maturely handling a situation with an aggressive member of the paparazzi, and for speaking out in the favor of breast cancer research.


But now we must castigate the actress once more for dressing up like an idiot. Miley isn't showing too much skin in the photos below, but she is somehow combining the looks of an Indian and a cowgirl. Those boots and that piece of a forehead jewelry? Someone call the fashion police. Someone deserves a major citation...!



Happy Birthday, Katy Perry!

Or should we say Katy Brand?

Call her what you want, she turns to 26 today! Born Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson in the Santa Barbara, Calif., the daughter of the Christian pastor parents has gone on to become one of the bigger stars in the music today, and just tied the knot this weekend!


Katy Perry and Russell Brand got married in India and are now on their honeymoon in the Maldives. Her birthday today gives them a little extra reason to celebrate! 



Staying warm

I think I’ve had more to drink in the past 2 weeks than I have in my entire life. A complete exaggeration, but it still feels like it. It’s Giants baseball, and it’s got me good. On a normal week I’ll drink once maybe twice a week. And that’s almost always on the weekend. I rarely have a drink after work. Not for any particular reason, just because that’s how I roll.

But these past 2 weeks. Holy shit. It’s been a bit of a shit show. I drank 3 beers last night on the ferry ride home. And the ferry ride is all of 30 minutes. This isn’t a seedy bar on a Friday night. This is your friendly evening commute on the ferry ride home. And I got after it. Why? Because of Giants baseball. That's why.

I had a grown up moment last weekend. It was a Friday night. The Giants were up 4-1 at home against Atlanta in game 2 of the NLDS and I was standing at an open bar, watching the game, during a rehearsal dinner. If you know me, or you read this blog enough, you know that I like the brown stuff. No, not black chicks. (But I’d totally nail Alicia Silverstone’s friend in Clueless. She shows her tits in some Showtime movie she did a few years bag. Huge nipples. very pointy. Still sexy. Whatever. Where was I?) I like whiskey. Let me try that again. I love whiskey. Jericho and I started a whiskey drinking club a few months back. It basically means we each buy a nice bottle of whiskey and go back and forth sampling the two, making asinine comments like we’re wine tasting (“it has an earthy finish”), until we’re good and smashed. Then we keep drinking some more. And then some more. And we drink it on ice. So there is nothing to slow us down. You can see how this goes. Pretty fucking sweet huh?

But there is a massive difference between a whiskey tasting night with Jericho, and an open bar at a rehersal dinner during Giants playoff baseball. Trust me on this one. At first, everything was great. How could it not be? We were cruising along with a 3 run lead, I was making small talk with the mother of the bride and yucking it up with the groomsmen. All the while, I was slamming whiskey. I was oblivious. I was nervous. I was elated at the thought of the Giants advancing.

And then we lost the lead in the 8th inning.

What started as a fun, celebratory evening, quickly turned ugly. And angry. And messy. And sloppy. And ass-slap happy. I'll spare you the details. But at the wedding the next day I had to apologize to no less than 3 people. Including a bridesmaid. And the brother of the bride. Fuck I can be stupid sometimes.

So I’m off the sauce. I’ve grown to like beer. Sorta. Besides the frequent peeing I’m enjoying my beer only adventures. I definitely get drunk. But I feel a bit more composed while doing so. Whatever that means.

Bottom line, the Giants are running my life right now. I've neglected my fantasy teams. I've stopped working out. I've snapped at my wife for no reason. And I've drank myself into a stupor on an almost nightly basis. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. God I love the Giants.

*Big Easy’s lock of the week…if gambling was legal, or course: East Carolina over Marshall, giving 12.5. Lock it down bitches.


Could Lindsay Lohan Spend a YEAR in Jail?

Elden Fox has a reputation as a fair justice, but one with the limited or no patience for the defendants if there is any inclination that one has violated his orders.

He's ordered Lindsay Lohan to appear in person at her hearing Friday, even though she's now in rehab and is not planning to dispute her failed drug test(s).

These two facts have Team Lindsay extremely concerned.


Sources say that after all she's pulled, Fox could sentence Lohan to a year behind bars when she appears for her probation violation hearing tomorrow.

Since she was already on probation when she failed the test that have landed her back in the rehab (after a few hours behind bars), he has enough legal leeway.

"Even though Judge Fox has said that any failed drug test would result in an automatic 30 days behind bars, he could go beyond that," a source said.

"Beyond that" could mean flat out terminating her probation.

Kristen Stewart Speaks on Fake Pregnancy, Real Babies

Kristen Stewart is set to get pregnant. Kind of. Sort of. On screen, at least.

In Breaking Dawn, the actress will don a prosthetic belly and be involved in an intense birth scene, as she welcomes daughter Renesmee into the world.

“I’m incredibly pregnant in the first movie,” Stewart told The Los Angeles Times, adding of the prosthetic: “I’ve worn it.. It gets immense. It gets so massive at some point that it actually looks inhuman. Like it’s hurting her. There are striations of bruises.”


Last year, a ridiculous rumor said that Stewart herself was with child. Might this soon be the case? It doesn't sound that way.

"My best friend just had a baby. She's my age," said the 20-year old. "So I'm a godmom now, which is.... crazy... It's actually making me realize more that I have absolutely no idea. Like, I see that going on, and I'm like, 'Oh, my God.'"

That's the same reaction many girls have when they look at Kristen's boyfriend.

Sexy Spy: Anna Chapman Poses For Maxim

Not long ago, Russian spy Anna Chapman was trying to uncover the U.S. secrets. Now she's almost completely uncovered ... in the Russian version of Maxim!

The spread, at least judging from the magazine's cover and the website, features the most risque photos yet of the espionage perpetrator and femme fatale.

The Anna Chapman Maxim cover story and the interview will appear in the new issue. She's also been named one of Russia's 100 sexiest women. Here's why ...

Photographs and videos show the scantily clad red-haired spy posing with a gun. Talk about cashing in on your notoriety ... and rubbing it in our faces!


"Anna Chapman has done more to excite Russian patriotism than the Russian soccer team," writes the site. Well, obviously. Those guys totally suck.

Chapman was one of 10 Russian spies deported from the United States in the July. Sultry photos of her on social-networking sites made her a sensation.

Reports say Playboy may be next ... if the CIA doesn't off her first.

Lindsay Lohan to Appear in Court, Beg For Mercy

Lindsay Lohan will, at least in the theory, obey the judge's order and appear in the court on Friday morning. But the troubled star's fate there is still TBD.

Sheriff's deputies will be ready to take Lindsay back to jail, if necessary. But things never go as planned with the Lohan, and this case is so weird ... who knows.

In any case, LL will leave Betty Ford Center - where she's been in the treatment since Sept. 27 - to attend her probation violation hearing for a failed drug test.

A source claims Lindsay's legal team won't dispute the violation of the probation (how could they, really) but hope Judge Fox will send Lindsay back to the rehab.


Any interruption, they argue, would disrupt her treatment, as she "has come a long way" at Betty Ford. He could buy that. Or think ... what's the point?

Lindsay is ready and willing to stay in rehab for as long as Judge Fox wishes. If he does send her to the jail, she'll likely get sprung ASAP due to overcrowding.

Once she's locked up, it's largely the call of the corrections office whether she's released early (and she always is). So rehab might be the best alternative.

Mel Gibson to Appear in The Hangover 2

It looks like Mel Gibson will actually be starring in something other than crass phone meltdowns again soon. The actor will have a cameo in The Hangover 2.

The troubled actor "will make a cameo as a tattoo artist. Filming is taking place on the Warner Bros. lot, and Mel is expected to film his role in the two weeks."


A Bangkok set has been constructed in the L.A, but the production will move to Thailand to film on location there the end of October. Sans Mel, of course.

Mel has been battling Oksana Grigorieva for custody of their daughter, and his stunning phone calls to her have been hugely damaging to his reputation.

Still, pal Jodie Foster says he's excited to get back to work: "He really liked the humor in that first [The Hangover] movie, so I'm glad he'll be in it!"

Major plot details are mum, although some reports say the new movie centers around the guys taking a trip to Thailand to attend a bachelor party.

"It takes place in Bangkok and L.A.," director Todd Phillips told Empire magazine regarding the sequel. "There's gonna be some f---ed up surprises."

Camilla Romestrand: Dating Prince Harry?

Has Prince Harry moved on from Chelsy Davy?

According to the News of the World (a less than reputable source), the royal hunk has split with his long-time girlfriend and has started seeing Norwegian singer Camilla Romestrand. She fronts a British-based band called Eddie The Gun.

As for why Harry and Davy called it quits, random tabloid Hello! says there was no major scandal involved.
http://latest-hollywoodgossip.blogspot.comhttp://latest-hollywoodgossip.blogspot.com"Nobody dumped anyone. It was a mutual decision as they were living so far apart. It is as straightforward as that," said an insider, adding: "They are still talking regularly and remain best friends."

Does this mean the couple will get back together once again? Time will tell. But Romestrand might not wanna start sizing engagement rings for herself just yet.

LeBron James -- Healthy Enough to Club

LeBron James tooked his talents to a Miami nightclub this weekend -- where he nursed his injured hamstring by ordering up five more bottles of the booze than he has championship rings. So ... five.

Wearing his sunglasses indoors, The King rolled into LIV nightclub with a few of his boys -- and ordered up three bottles of the Wódka Vodka and two bottles of Dom Pérignon.


We're told LeBron "wasn't around any girls" -- but he did take over the DJ booth for more than an hour.

LeBron's table was two over from Jenny McCarthy -- who also tried her hand at the DJ thing -- but we're told the crowd was more into LeBron than her. Go Heat!

Michael Lohan Storms the Desert -- Rehab Bound

Michael Lohan has arrived in the Palm Springs ... photographed this morning at a hotel just miles from the Betty Ford clinic where Lindsay Lohan is receiving her treatment ... and has learned he's got a new plan to see his daughter that he intends to execute in just a few hours.

We're told Michael knows it's currently "Family Week" at Betty Ford ... and thinks he should be included in any "family counseling sessions" that go down over the next few days. If Michael isn't allowed inside the clinic, we're told he plans to drop off a letter that he hopes will get to Lindsay.

When called for comment, Michael told us, "If Lindsay's problems stem from me, then I should be involved in the treatment ... right?"

Sources close to the family tell us Dina is currently "on her way" to Palm Springs ... but she'll actually be allowed inside the rehab center.

Copa Libertadores femenina: Everton pierde en dramático final contra Santos de Brasil

Copa Libertadores femenina: Everton pierde en dramático final contra Santos de Brasil

A los 89 minutos, Maurine anotó el 1-0 para Santos que dejó sin corona al equipo chileno



Todo parecía listo para los penales, Everton había resistido gran parte del encuentro los avances de Santos y parecía que la final de la Copa Libertadores femenina se definiría desde los 12 pasos.
Sin embargo, una falta cerca del área a los 89', puso a Maurine tras el balón, y con impecable tiro libre, logró batir a Christiane Endler y darle el trofeo a las locales.
Desde el inicio, Santos se mostró como el dominador de las acciones y tuvo varias ocasiones de gol.
En la segunda mitad, el acoso de las brasileñas se intensificó y la portera chilena se convirtió en la gran figura. Cuando no estuvo Endler, hasta los postes jugaron a favor de las chilenas, eso hasta los 89'.
Tras el gol, las nacionales trataron de intentar una reacción, pero no quedaba tiempo y el pitazo sólo vino a coronar al mejor equipo del torneo, que consiguió por segundo año consecutivo el título, y que dejó a Everton con un meritorio subcampeonato.

AnnaLynne McCord -- Devilishly Hot

Sexy bikini babe AnnaLynne McCord exorcised some of her demons while on set of her "90210" on Thursday.

This is how she rolls ... her eyes into the back of her head.

Justin Bieber Lands a Daddy

Teen pop prince Justin Bieber arrived in his homeland in Canada and was greeted by his 37-year-old father Jeremy on the Thursday.

Even 16-year-olds need help with all their baggage.


Ministro Golborne cierra con orgullo operación de rescate: "País, mundo entero, lo logramos, cumplimos"

El ministro de Minería destacó la labor del equipo técnico en las faenas y detalló el futuro de las perforaciones realizadas en la mina San José.
En quizás su última intervención pública desde el campamento "Esperanza" en la mina San José, el ministro de Minería, Laurence Golborne, destacó el esfuerzo realizado por el equipo técnico y la labor que le fue encomendada para sacar a los 33 mineros desde el fondo del yacimiento.

"Estamos cerrando un ciclo en un proceso que ha sido tremendamente intenso, con una gran carga emocional. Como país hemos tenido un logro extraordinario reflejo del esfuerzo de cientos de personas que han trabajado 24 horas al día, durante 70 días", dijo el ministro, quien hizo un reconocimiento público al equipo que estuvo a su cargo.

El secretario de Estado agregó que cuando salió el último rescatista, Manuel González, "la alegría fue desbordante, porque cumplimos un objetivo importante, un desafío que nos planteó el Presidente, y poder decir Presidente, país, mundo entero, lo logramos, cumplimos con ustedes, nos llena de un tremendo orgullo". Respecto al futuro de los mineros, "ellos tendrán que definir su futuro, estaré disponible a colaborar con ellos", dijo Golborne.


El ministro adelantó que las perforaciones correspondientes al llamado Plan A y Plan C serán sellados con un tapón de concreto con toda la señalización correspondiente. El Plan B, en tanto, será sellado en forma provisoria y su cierre definitivo se decidirá en unos 15 días, a la espera de las resoluciones legales y técnicas sobre el futuro de la mina. Agregó que todos los elementos, desde martillos y otros de mayor envergadura, serán guardados por su valor histórico.

Consultado por la alta popularidad que tiene en estos momentos, el ministro dijo que dicha situación, "la fama", irá desapareciendo con el tiempo. "Vamos a volver a nuestras vidas normales, no hay que volverse loco con estas situaciones", aclaró, evitando ahondar sobre el impacto en su futuro político inmediato.

"Me encantaría decirle al país que esto no ocurrirá jamás, pero no se puede evitar poniendo más leyes", manifestó Golborne. A su juicio, "para que esto no vuelva a ocurrir debe mejorar la fiscalización".

Will Russell Brand and Katy Perry really have a 'very normal' wedding?

She is the latex-wearing pop princess behind I Kissed A Girl. He is one of the Britain's most outspoken comedians.

Both have a penchant for the grand and flamboyant gestures. But Russell Brand had a surprising admission to make this week about his wedding to the Katy Perry – they want to "keep it very normal".

The 35-year-old told presenters of the US TV show The View: "We just love each other and we want to get married in front of our friends and family and keep it very normal.

"It ain't about selling the pictures, it ain't about doing no pre-nup, it's just a normal thing".

This might come as a surprise to the fans who are familiar with their quirky personalities, and love of all things theatrical.

Indeed, their whirlwind courtship and Russell's impossibly romantic proposal in India – four months after they began dating – are anything but normal.

Though they're keeping the exact details of the ceremony under wraps, the couple are widely reported to be marrying in India at the end of the month.

Insiders close to them say they are planning a lavish six-day bash in the India – including a traditional Indian ceremony in Rajasthan.

Guests - who will include Katy's best friend Rihanna and probably Russell's pals David Walliams, Noel Gallagher, Jonathan Ross and David Baddiel - will apparently be flown out on private jets and sleep in deluxe tents.

As for the entertainment, Russell's favourite artist Morrissey has reportedly been invited to sing at the nuptials. Slightly different from your average wedding disco.

Stolen moments: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie shared a tender on-set kiss

Any stress Angelina Jolie was feeling on the set of her directorial debut melted away this week when her partner Brad Pitt stopped by to help calm her nerves – with a sweet kiss.

The handsome movie star paid a visit to the Budapest set where Angelina is working on a currently untitled love story, set against the backdrop of the Bosnian war and following a Bosnian woman and the Serbian military man who fall in love.

The couple looked as close as ever as they toured the set; Brad affectionately wrapping his arm around the Angelina, 35, as she pointed out features of the filming area.

As Hollywood's leading man, Brad was no doubt a valuable visitor thanks to his extensive knowledge of the industry – he has produced a number of the films, including Kick Ass.

The brunette beauty has also received advice on her debut from Clint Eastwood, who directed her in The Changeling, and has since become her friend.

Not that the 80-year-old, who has directed over 30 films, thinks she needs it. Clint has said he is in no doubt that Angelina will be as big a success behind the camera as she is in front of it.

"She's a very intelligent gal," he said last month. "I know she'll do great. She has a great work ethic and she's very smart. I'm looking forward to seeing what she does."

Inglourious Basterds star Brad, 46, arrived in Budapest on Friday with the couple's twins, Knox and Vivienne having reportedly wrapped up filming on his latest project, Moneyball.

Angelina has been staying in the Hungarian capital with the rest of the brood – Maddox, Pax, Zahara and Shiloh – who are enrolled at a local school.

The famous family are currently living in a luxurious 8,000 square foot property in the Buda Hills area, overlooking the capital.

Kate Moss and Jamie Hince: Cow Couple

Getting a jumpstart on the day, Kate Moss was spotted out and about in the Notting Hill neighborhood of the London, England today (October 12).

The fabulous supermodel looked a bit drab, sporting a cream and black scarf with a black jacket and with black trousers as she made her way to The Cow pub for a bite to eat with fiance Jamie Hince.

In related news, Ms. Moss’ agent Sarah Doukas told press that Kate’s annual earnings have doubled since her infamous cocaine-snorting scandal in 2005.

"I basically just spent a lot of time on the phone trying to reassure her big clients that you can’t believe everything you read. And, unfortunately, all press actually is good press in this world we live in. So keep calm, don’t have a knee-jerk reaction."

Rihanna Hits the Studio, Talks Nicki Minaj

Getting an early start to the day, Rihanna was spotted out at the studio in the West Hollywood, California on Tuesday morning (October 12).

The "Only Girl" hitmaker looked cute in a black top with the denim short shorts as she hopped out of her SUV before being led inside to tend to work the duties.

The sighting comes just as RiRi chatted with the Capital FM about collaborating with Nicki Minaj on her upcoming album "Loud".

She said of Miss Minaj, "You know, I worked with her before on [2009's] Rated R and she was just writing me some of really good ballads, and I couldn't wait to work with her again and finally have her on my record

Continuing on about her pal Nicki, the Barbadian beauty added, "She has a great buzz and she has a 'thing' to her. She is a star and that's why people love her. She's also really entertaining with her visual as well as with her lyrics, and she has a great melody."

"I'm really amazed that she can write like that. [Nicki] not only raps but she can write songs too," Rihanna adds. "It was really easy actually. We were going back and forth with the texts on how we were going to get to do it because we were in two different places and had the two opposite schedules."

Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Are Desensitizing Us To Their Dating

Star-crossed lovers on the film, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are just playing a regular couple of lovers in the real life.

The pair was spotted once again, together, at the Thompson Hotel in LA on Friday night, racking up the multiple date nights within the last week. It's my assumption that perhaps they are finally growing weary of hiding or trying to remain in private and are just embracing their relationship fully. Or perhaps they are just trying to break us in, as 3rd party viewers.

Last night they had sushi together and had a laugh as they got into the taxi to go home, as you can see above.

Eminem: 'My Dad Had No Excuse To Abandon Me'

EMINEM is convinced he will never reconcile with his estranged father - because he still "can't understand" why a parent would cut the contact with a child.

The rapper's dad, Marshall Mathers II, walked out on his mother Debbie when the Stan star was just two years old, leaving the pair to battle through their impoverished life in a tough area of the Detroit, Michigan.

In 2003, Mathers made an appeal for his son to get in contact with him through the press, urging his famous offspring to give him another chance.

Eminem, a father of three, didn't take him up on the offer of a meeting, and is adamant he will not consider reconciling in the future - insisting there's "no excuse" for a parent to abandon their children.

In an interview for U.S. news show 60 Minutes, he says, "I never knew him, never met him, never knew him. I don't know (if I want to see him). Some people ask me that, and I don't think I do. I can't understand how (he could leave). If my kids moved to the edge of the earth, I'd find them. No doubt in my mind. No money, no nothing - if I had nothing I'd find my kids. So there's no excuse."

CHILE: Rescue drill reaches 33 trapped Chilean miners

CHILE: Rescue drill reaches 33 trapped
Chilean miners

Anxious family members and exhausted rescue workers reveled in joyful relief after a drill pierced the roof of an underground mine in Chile where 33 men have been trapped since August 5.
Sixty-five days after the mine's collapse, officials on Saturday announced that the drill reached the miners as sirens blasted through the mine site to signal the achievement.
But the moment of pure happiness was shadowed by the fact that it may take hours -- possibly days -- of hard work and tough decisions before any of the miners can be pulled to safety.
"We have not yet rescued anyone and there is much ground to cover," cautioned Chilean Mining Minister Laurence Golborne, who also told reporters that the families of the miners "are aware of the process still expected."
Family members ran downhill, carrying Chilean flags, and a man who is a relative of a miner told CNN en Espanol, "I feel happiness. I feel tranquil -- the fear is now gone."
Raul Lyon, vice president of GeoTech, the company operating the rescue drill at the scene, told CNN, "I can't wait to see the first one to come out."
Lyon said the ordeal has been arduous and emotional for the workers, but "we had patience" and solved problems methodically as they came up.
"it was very exciting and also comforting that we were able to reach the tunnel after exactly 33 days of drilling," said Lyon, who noted that the miners are "happy" and "in good shape."
Rescue crews have been drilling three separate wider holes to send down the rescue capsule and hoist the men to the surface. Those rescue attempts have been labeled Plans A, B and C.

MARIO VARGAS LLOSA: "I don't think the Nobel Prize will change my writing”

MARIO VARGAS LLOSA: "I don't think the Nobel Prize will change my writing”

Mario Vargas Llosa wins Nobel Literature Prize

AdvertisementMario Vargas Llosa : "At first I thought, but what if this is a joke?"

Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa, one of the most acclaimed writers in the Spanish-speaking world, has been awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize for literature.
The Swedish Academy hailed "his cartography of structures of power" and "trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt, and defeat."

The 74-year-old has written more than 30 novels, plays and essays.
He is the first South American winner of the prize since 1982 when it went to Colombian Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

In the previous six years, the academy awarded the 10 million kronor (£938,000) prize to five Europeans and one Turk, sparking criticism that it was too Euro-centric.

The Swedish Academy's Peter Englund said Vargas Llosa was "a divinely gifted story-teller," whose writing touched the reader.

'Total surprise'
I don't think the Nobel Prize will change my writing”

Mario Vargas Llosa

Mr Englund added that the writer was in New York and was told by telephone that he had won the prize.
Vargas Llosa is currently teaching at Princeton University. "I will try to survive the Nobel Prize," he joked during a news conference later on Thursday. "It was a total surprise."
But he said the honour would not affect his craft. "I don't think the Nobel Prize will change my writing, my style, my themes," he said.
Previously, the author had told that "a writer shouldn't think about the Nobel prize as it is bad for one's writing".
Born in the town of Arequipa, Vargas Llosa took Spanish nationality in 1993 - three years after an unsuccessful bid for the Peruvian presidency.

The author had long been mentioned as a possible Nobel candidate - he has won some of the Western world's most prestigious literary medals including the Cervantes Prize in 1995 - the Spanish-speaking world's most distinguished literary honour.

His works have also been translated into 31 languages, including Chinese, Croatian, Hebrew and Arabic.

Burnt copies
The writer's international breakthrough came with the 1960s novel The Time of The Hero which built on his experiences at the Peruvian military academy, Leoncio Prado.
The book was considered controversial in his homeland and 1,000 copies were burnt publicly by officers from the academy.
His best-known works include Conversation In The Cathedral, The War of the End of the World and The Feast of the Goat.
Several books were made into movies including the 1990 Hollywood film Tune in Tomorrow, based on his novel Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, which starred Barbara Hershey, Peter Falk and Keanu Reeves.
The author once had a great friendship with Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez, about whom he wrote his doctoral thesis in 1971.
But their relationship turned into one of literature's greatest feuds after Vargas Llosa punched Garcia Marquez at a theatre in Mexico City in 1976, leaving him with a black eye.
The pair have never disclosed the reason for their dispute, although witnesses have suggested they fell out over a conversation between Garcia Marquez and Vargas Llosa's wife.

In the intervening years, the authors fell out politically, too, with the Peruvian publicly criticising Garcia Marquez's friendship with Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
Relations appeared to thaw in 2007, however, when Vargas Llosa provided the foreword to the 40th anniversary edition of Garcia Marquez's classic work, A Hundred Years of Solitude
After the Nobel announcement on Thursday, Garcia Marquez - himself a Nobel laureate - tweeted: "Cuentas iguales" ("Now we're even").

2010 LITERATURE NOBEL PRIZE: Mario Vargas Llosa's Nobel moved Isabel Allende

2010 LITERATURE NOBEL PRIZE: Mario Vargas Llosa's Nobel moved Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende is "touched" by the Nobel Prize in Literature awarded to Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa. "I am very, very happy for this greatly deserved award," the Chilean author said Friday.

"Mario Vargas Llosa has been on the minds of the Swedish Academy members for over a decade because they became aware of his merits as a writer with extraordinary narrative talent, and they saw him as an intellectual and as an observer of the political and social reality of our time," she said.
Vargas Llosa, whose acclaimed novels include "The Feast of the Goat," is the first Spanish-speaking writer to be honored since Mexican Octavio Paz, in 1990. Among other Latin American authors who are Nobelists: Colombian Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Chilean Pablo Neruda.
"It touches me that he is the recipient of the Nobel Prize and that this award will once again bring world's attention to Latin American literature," said Allende, whose best-seller novels include "The House of the Spirits" and the recent "The Island Beneath the Sea."

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2010/10/08/entertainment/e122637D44.DTL#ixzz11nZuDLxo

SOCCER & GLOBAL BRAND: Manchester United reports record loss despite revenue rise

SOCCER & GLOBAL BRAND: Manchester United reports record loss despite revenue rise

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM.- Manchester United posted an annual net loss of 83.6 million pounds ($132 million) after costs associated with the huge debts racked up by the club’s American owners wiped out record revenues.

Wayne Rooney
In the financial results released Friday for the year ending June 30, United reported record revenues of 286.4 million pounds based on the strength of marketing and broadcasting income. The club’s operating profit exceeded 100 million pounds for the first time.

But the impact was largely erased by the payments to manage the club’s debts, which are around 750 million pounds, and costs related to a controversial bond issue.

“We have a long-term financing structure in place, excellent revenues that are growing, we are controlling our costs—total wages are 46 percent of turnover—and we can afford the interest on our long-term finance,” United chief executive David Gill said. “In our opinion if something changed in the ownership this club will survive and continue—it is covering the financing cost more than adequately.”

The Premier League giant’s record losses are a big swing from the 25.5 million-pound profit from the previous financial year, which came after the sale of Cristiano Ronaldo to Real Madrid for a world record 80 million pounds.

There has been no similar big-name signing to replace the Portugal winger, despite cash reserves of 163.8 million pounds reported in the latest financial figures released Friday.

But the 18-time English champions spent only around 25 million pounds on new players in the most recent offseason, while neighbor Manchester City lavished more than 120 million pounds of its wealthy Abu Dhabi owner’s funds on strengthening the squad.

“We still have cash to invest in players and to give good contracts to players and we are comfortable with the business model,” Gill said. “We have money in the bank so there is zero pressure … to sell any star player whether it is Wayne Rooney or X,Y or Z.”

After seven matches of the season, United is third in the standings—five points adrift of Chelsea and a point behind City.

The latest financial results will provide more ammunition for the protest movement that fans launched in January in a bid to force out the Glazer family.

Similarly intense protests at Liverpool, also coupled with crippling debts following a leveraged takeover, have forced American co-owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett Jr. to put the club up for the sale. They are now trying to block a 300-million-pound bid by the owners of the Boston Red Sox, saying the offer undervalues the club.

United had no debts before Tampa Bay Buccaneers owner Malcolm Glazer took control in 2005.

But the new figures show interest payments chewed up 40.2 million pounds as the club’s debts rose slightly to 521.7 million pounds. That figure that does not include 225 million pounds of payment-in-kind loans, which carry an interest rate of 16.25 percent and don’t appear in the latest accounts.

Part of the losses relate to one-off payments of 47 million pounds after bank loans were turned into a seven-year bond issue that raised 504 million pounds earlier this year to replace long-term financing and reduce debts to hedge funds.

Forbes magazine recently estimated that United is worth $1.8 billion— making it the most valuable football team in its rankings for the sixth straight year.

“Manchester United are at no risk of going bust,” said investment analyst Andy Green, a United fan whose personal website tracks the club’s finances. “The tragedy for the club is that so much of the profits are wasted in interest, fees and charges.”

The Manchester United Supporters’ Trust said the club will be vulnerable if performances on the pitch decline when 68-year-old manager Alex Ferguson eventually retires.

“When Sir Alex retires the chances of maintaining anything like the same level of success look remote without massive investment,” the group said. “So the clock is ticking for the Glazers—and for the supporters too

No right to lawyer during questioning, says top Canada's Supreme Court

No right to lawyer during questioning, says top Canada's Supreme Court

OTTAWA—The American Miranda rule that gives a suspect the right to have a lawyer present during questioning has no place here, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled Friday.

In three related decisions, a sharply divided court fine-tuned the rules on suspects’ right to counsel.

In the main case, the justices ruled 5-4 that the Charter of Rights does not confer a right to have a lawyer present during interrogation.

That means Miranda, a staple of TV cop shows where lawyers whisper to their clients while detectives ask questions, does not apply.

The court also held that suspects have no right to interrupt an interrogation to consult again with a lawyer except in some limited circumstances.

They said that while suspects generally have the right to a lawyer of their choice, they must accept another if they cannot contact their own within a reasonable time.

Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin and Justice Louise Charron wrote for the majority in all three cases.

Justices Morris Fish and Louis Lebel wrote sharp dissents in two of the three cases, with Justice Rosalie Abella concurring. Justice Ian Binnie contributed his own dissent in the main decision.

McLachlin and Charron were clear in rejecting Miranda. They said there is a right for a suspect to consult a lawyer before questioning and to be informed of that right. But the reason for consultation is to give the suspect legal advice on whether to co-operate. There is no requirement that a lawyer be there for the questioning.

“We are not persuaded that the Miranda rule should be transplanted in Canadian soil,” they wrote.

They said the Canadian and U.S. systems differ.

“Miranda came about in response to abusive police tactics then prevalent in the U.S. and applies in the context of a host of other rules that are less favourable to the accused than their equivalents in Canada.”

The judges warned about grafting rules from other countries onto the Canadian system.

“Adopting procedural protections from other jurisdictions in a piecemeal fashion risks upsetting the balance that has been struck by Canadian courts and legislatures.”

There is nothing to prevent having a lawyer present if all sides agree, however.

McLachlin and Charron said suspects can’t interrupt questioning with demands for more legal advice except in certain, limited circumstances.

For example, if the charge is changed during questioning, or if police want to use a different procedure, such as a lineup or a lie-detector test, or if there are reasons to suspect that someone doesn’t understand their rights, then the suspect should be able to get further advice.

The court also ruled that police can continue to ask questions even after a suspect has invoked the right to silence.

“While the police must be respectful of an individual’s charter rights, a rule that would require the police to automatically retreat upon a detainee stating that he or she has nothing to say, in our respectful view, would not strike the proper balance between the public interest in the investigation of crimes and the suspect’s interest in being left alone,” the decision said.

On the question of a right to a counsel of one’s choice, the court said that applies only if the lawyer can be contacted within a reasonable time.

A reasonable time, the court said, depends on the circumstances, including the seriousness of the charge and the urgency of the investigation.

“If the chosen lawyer cannot be available within a reasonable period of time, detainees are expected to exercise their right to counsel by calling another lawyer or the police duty to hold off will be suspended.”

The three cases, two from British Columbia and one from Alberta, all addressed aspects of the right to counsel. The court used one as a main case and then applied those findings to the other two.

In the two B.C. cases, the appellants lost their bids to have guilty verdicts overturned. In the Alberta case, a trial judge found the defendant’s right to a lawyer had been breached and he was acquitted. The court of appeal overturned that and ordered a new trial. The Supreme Court ruling means the new trial will go ahead.

FUTBOL: Japón sorprende y logra primer histórico triunfo sobre Argentina

FUTBOL: Japón sorprende y logra primer histórico triunfo sobre Argentina

Los nipones se impusieron 1-0 en Tokio, en el primer triunfo de su historia ante un seleccionado "Albiceleste".

El partido prometía. Las entradas se acabaron una semana antes y todos querían ver a Argentina y Messi en acción. Pero para sorpresa del cuadro local, todos terminaron viendo al cuadro japonés, que venció por 1-0 a la "Albiceleste" en duelo amistoso disputado en el estadio Saitama, a las afueras de Tokio.

El equipo nipón tenía el debut de su nuevo técnico, el italiano Alberto Zaccheroni, quien no pudo tener un debut más perfecto ante uno de los seleccionados más poderosos del mundo.

Y es que el solitario tanto marcado por Shinji Okazaki a los 19' además de significar la inauguración de la cuenta, sirvió para conseguir el primer triunfo japonés en la historia de enfrentamientos ante los transandinos.

En otros partidos amistosos de la jornada, Venezuela venció a Bolivia por 3-1 en calidad de visita, lo que desató fuertes críticas al cuadro altiplánico debido al bajo nivel exhibido.

Delhi 2010: Miles de condones taparon cañerías en los Juegos de la Commonwealth

Delhi 2010: de condones taparon cañerías en los Juegos de la Commonwealth

Unos 4 mil preservativos fueron utilizados por los atletas en la primera semana del evento deportivo.

Miles de condones lanzados a los inodoros amenazan con tapar el sistema de alcantarillado de la villa de los atletas de los Juegos de la Commonwealth en Nueva Delhi, en India, según indicaron algunos medios, en el más reciente problema que afecta al lugar tras la aparición de serpientes y brotes de dengue.

Los organizadores de los Juegos, que ganaron una carrera contra el tiempo para terminar la villa, ahora luchan por limpiar desagües atorados luego de que miles de preservativos no-biodegradables fueran botados en inodoros en la primera semana del evento.

"Si eso está ocurriendo, muestra que hay uso de condones y creo que eso es una historia positiva. Los atletas están siendo responsables", dijo el presidente de la Federación de los Juegos de la Commonwealth, Mike Fennell.

"Todos sabemos que incentivar el sexo seguro es algo importante", añadió en rueda de prensa.

Los organizadores de los Juegos habían puesto 8 mil condones disponibles gratuitamente en la aldea, y la provisión parece ser muy demandada. Un funcionario dijo al periódico Mail Today el jueves que más de 4 mil ya habían sido usados por los atletas.

Construcciones de mala calidad, temores por un brote de dengue y preocupaciones de seguridad hicieron que muchos equipos retrasaran su llegada a la aldea antes de que los Juegos comenzaran. Sin embargo, la culpa del más reciente problema recae en los deportistas.

Tras la decisión de dar condones gratis en los Juegos Olímpicos Barcelona 1992, el hecho se ha convertido en algo así como una tradición.

En los Juegos Olímpicos de Sidney 2000, los atletas rápidamente usaron los 70 mil condones gratuitos, obligando a los organizadores a entregar otros 20 mil, mientras que en Atenas 2004 la provisión se duplicó a 130 mil.

En los Juegos de Beijing 2008, y los Olímpicos de Invierno de Vancouver en febrero, se entregaron 100 mil condones a los atletas.