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Box Office Results: 7/27/07

Movie: The Simpsons Movie
Prediction: $55 million
Actual: $74 million

This was a tough one to call as there really is no precedent for it. In retrospect, 55 was probably a bit low, but I don’t think anyone could have predicted an opening this huge. I’d also like to add that anyone who writes something like, “Simpsons Movie Makes a lot of D’oh!” should burst into flames the minute the period is added at the end of sentence.

Movie: Chuck and Larry
Prediction: $19 million
Actual: $19 million

People love Sandler.

Movie: Harry Potter 5
Prediction: $18 million
Actual: $18 million


Movie: Hairspray
Prediction: $15 million
Actual: $16 million

Have I mentioned how much I hate this movie?

Movie: Transformers
Prediction: $12 million
Prediction: 12 million

Very good chance that Transformers will outperform Harry, Captain Jack and Shrek when all is said and done taking the #2 spot for the summer behind Spidey – no one saw that coming (there’s probably a good Transformers joke here but I’ve been drinking wine for four days straight and can barely type).

Movie: No Reservations
Prediction: $10.5 million
Actual: $12 million

Easily the most whimsical movie of the year and perhaps of all time.

Movie: Ratatouille
Prediction: $6.5 million
Actual: $7 million

Movie: I Know Who Killed Me
Prediction: “I’m totally innocent! They weren’t even my pants!”
Actual: Wait, so famous girls can commandeer vehicles now?

*Every Friday and Monday Apples and Moustaches predicts and publishes box office returns. Jericho Royall bases all of his predictions on his lifelong fascination with bad movies and stupid people and how the combination of the two directly affects the weekly box office. Apples and Moustaches Box Office Report, (aka AMBOR): Because it’s pretty incredible how much the bottom line is affected by people who can’t spell the bottom line.