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Hot Hot City

Quick post today. I'm going to the Giants game. It's a 12:45pm start. Tim Lincecum is on the mound and it's supposed to be around 95 degrees. Stupidly hot for the city. The only problem with being a Giants fan is that their colors are orange and black. So everything I own is black. Black shirt, black hat, black under eye paint. Usually it works to my benefit, when it's 45 degrees and windy at the park, per usual. But not today. Sitting in that heat with a black hat on could be my demise. I may have to make a quick stop at the Giant's dugout store to see what's what. Wish me luck.

Things floating around in my head today:

1. Shouldn't we hold the sprinter Michael Johnson's feats up on an even higher pedestal? With all the talk of steriods in track and field, Johnson's name never comes up. Now that's a bad ass.

2. How stupid are the Gatorade G2 commercials? And why do I find myself increasingly liking Dwayne Wade less and less. "Over-rated!"

3. When it's revealed Todd Heap tested positive for steriods, nobody will be surprised. Have you seen his Jaw Line? He looks like robocop.

4. The song on the Nike commercial by Saul Williams is incredible. It makes me want to lift weights for 3 hours straight. Also, there are 2 Huskies in that commercial...can you name them?

On a final note, my new job begins on Monday. I don't know about you but I can't wait. This 3 week break has been interesting, fun and painful. I guess in the end a little structure is good in my life.

Go Giants!