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A few A&Ms

In an effort to appeal to its Hebrew audiences, Disney is remaking Toy Story with all Jewish toys – Woody will be a plastic Rabbi named Goldie and Buzz will be a futuristic dradle named Gavrel Spinstein – the title of the movie: Goy Story.

Did you hear that NAMBLA’s President Timothy Ploughington has launched a presidential campaign? He’s vowing to fix Bush’s educational platform, amending the program to read: No Child Left Without Something in Their Behind.

On a scale of one to five of ball-pinching leg wedgies – with one being a wedgie you can fix by playing pocket pool under your desk and a five being “I’m going to a stall and starting over” – I’m about a 4.5 right now. My right nut feels like Winnie the Pooh when he got stuck in Rabbit’s house after eating all that honey.

If there’s a better line to ask a sales person at Banana Republic than, “excuse me, do these chinos make my dick look too big?” then I haven’t heard it.

I’ve officially entered the “please just shut the fuck up and highlight the clip” portion of my relationship with Chris Berman. I never, ever thought I’d get here. Maybe it’s the weird “Blitz” thing, maybe it was one too many verbal Favre undercarriage licks, maybe it’s the dumb way he makes a prediction and then stares at the camera with that half cocked, “I’m fucking starving” look during the draft, maybe I’ve gotten to the point where I’m watching a little too much football related TV, I don’t know what it is, but I feel like Boom hasn’t said anything relevant in five years. I’m kind of depressed about this actually. Boom was always the Dre to TJ’s Snoop, but maybe it’s time for him to give up the game and just start doing steroids in the hills like Dre does.

When you were 14 watching Michael Jordan in the playoffs – did you ever think to yourself, “you know what? One day they’re going to totally reinvent Sports Center and build the entire show around Hannah Storm?” What the fuck is that? If you flash forward fifteen years and the Oscars are named the Shias then we’ll know where the precedent came from.

The VMAs were incredibly depressing for me this year – it really drove home how fucking old I am. Who the fuck are these people? Who the fuck is Taylor Swift? Jordin Sparks? The Ting Tings? Am I that old? Remember when you were a little kid and you’d be watching the VMAs and your mom would walk in and see 2Pac bopping around the stage and say “what’s wrong with his pants?” Well, who the fuck is Flo Rida? And what’s wrong with his pants?