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Rebecca Black Friday Video TT on Twitter

Rebecca Black Friday Video. The public might not familiar with the name Rebecca Black. But, this Friday teenage girl singer even up to TT (Trending Topic) on Twitter. So, what makes it so phenomenal! Rebecca Black video for her single is arguably also popular with number 2730380 view, until the news was revealed. Meanwhile, some of the scathing tone of comments on Twitter and comments on YouTube suggest one criticism about this song Rebecca.

Rebecca Black Friday Video TT on Twitter

One is @ junhos_butt who commented on how important to learn the names of the days of Rebecca's songs, which certainly cynical tone, "Obviously, I learned the names of the days of Rebecca Black. If she does not sing a song about this, I would never know the names of the days. "

@ __jacobb Sent a similar comment, "Yes Rebecca Black, we know it's Friday."

More scathing comments were posted by @ Katieegirl18, "It's good to know that Rebecca Black who wrote the lyrics himself. It would be very embarrassing and sad that a professional who wrote it."

@ Jesus_M_Christ also pitched cynical convey the importance of 'news' that brought Rebecca. "BREAKING NEWS from Rebecca Black. Tomorrow is Saturday and after that is Sunday," he wrote.

Some Tweeps also expressed disappointment over the development of music and lyrics of pop songs lately, which he considered very sad. "Rebecca Black? Seriously, if this is the future of pop music, I want to be deaf. Pathetic!"

Well, They Their opinion can have. What about you?