Movie: Chuck and Larry
Prediction: $35 million
Actual: $34 millionWas right about this one but needed to toggle the order a bit; although I do think that this can be more attributed to Harry’s drop then Sandler’s appeal. Harry dropped almost 60% from last weekend, obviously a major slip but not unexpected with a Wednesday opening. Still, I thought Harry would drop about 50-55% and win the weekend. Definitely have to give Sandler his props though; this is his 8th movie to open with 30+ million, that’s amazing.
Movie: Harry Potter 5
Prediction: $37 million
Actual: $32.5 million3.
Movie: Hairspray
Prediction: $16 million
Actual: $27 millionOther sites will explain this opening with terms like “cross programming,” “avant-garde appeal,” “nostalgic fun,” and “female demographic pull.” At this site you’ll get terms like “shocked,” “stunned,” “bamboozled,” and “double horse fuck this piece of horse shit movie.”
Movie: Transformers
Prediction: $21 million
Actual: $20 million
Mmm…that sounds good, I’ll have that.
Movie: Ratatouille
Prediction: $13 million
Actual: $11 millionSure.
Movie: Die Hard 4
Prediction: $9 million
Actual: $7.5 millionA little over, but close enough.
Movie: License to Wed
Prediction: $4.5 million
Actual: $3.5 millionWhatever.
*Every Friday and Monday Apples and Moustaches predicts and publishes box office returns. Jerricho Royall bases all of his predictions on his lifelong fascination with bad movies and stupid people and how the combination of the two directly affects the weekly box office. Apples and Moustaches Box Office Report, (aka AMBOR): Because it’s pretty incredible how much the bottom line is affected by people who can’t spell the bottom line.