Google, the wave of the future, blah blah blah. We get it. Google is taking over the world it’s just a matter of time. Well, now it’s time for me to admit defeat and get a gmail account. Of course, the only problem is choosing the name…what’s available? Let’s have a look and find out.
- mynameismaggliothisismyemail is available
- So is davidbeckhammancrush
- bigfatballs is not available
- neither is emailmebitch
- or gangstalean
- donkeyfucking is not available
- but iprollywon'treply is…
- imjustasquirrel is available!
- But wonkyeye is not
- donkeyrapingshiteater is not available but Google offers up kindwarm.0192 as a viable substitute…hmmm.
- horsecock is not but horsecock0857 is…FYI
- cainandlincecum is available
- so is donttradecain
- shaunalexandersvagina is available
- grundleduckbutter is available
- applesandmoustaches is available
- and not surprisingly, jerichoisapussy is taken