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All Out, All Season

As you read this I am sitting in front of my gorgeous TV about to take in Opening Day at AT&T park and the first home game for your 2008 San Francisco Giants. Yes if I was cool I would be basking in the sun while enjoying my overpriced Anchor Steam. But I’m not. I’m at home. With my dog. And a water. With ice.

But hope is in the air. Sure, we started our home season with a 1-5 record having lost (been humiliated) in our last 3 games. But today is our Opening Day. Anything can happen. They just finished announcing the entire Giants team (in which Barry Zito got his fair share of boos) and now they’re doing a tribute to the 1958 San Francisco Giants, the inaugural year for the Giants in SF. There’s Willie Mays, there's Rich Aurillia and there’s Orlando Cepeda. You kinda get the sense some of these guys could still lace them up if we need ‘em.

But do we need them? This is the year of youth for the Giants. Come on, drink the Kool Aid with me. We’re rebuilding. And we’re letting the kids get some playing time. My biggest fear is in a few months from now. When the dust has settled. When the excitement has died down. And when we find ourselves with a 14-45 record. Then what is there to be excited about?

Enough of that for now. The sun is shining! Matt Cain is about to take the mound! Our clubhouse manager just threw out the first pitch! Barry Bonds is nowhere to be found! And Brian Bocock is starting at shortstop. Giants baseball. Huuuuummm Baby!

Hey…at least we’re not the Detroit Tigers.