Movie: Bourne 3
Prediction: $63 million
Actual: $69 millionBam! Went back and forth on this a few times, very rarely do threequels make more than either of their predecessors, but the reviews, marketing blitz and buzz were strong enough to take a shot. The openings of the three Bourne movies in succession look like this: 27.1, 52.5, 69.2. Pretty impressive.
Movie: The Simpsons Movie
Prediction: $45 million
Actual: $25 million
Yikes. To say I overshot this one is kind of like saying Lindsay Lohan
might show you her tits if you’ve got coke at 4am. Or that your dingle
might feel a bit itchy after having sex with Nicole Ritchie. I was anticipating a 25-30% drop, instead it dropped 67%! That’s massive. Still, with 128 domestically and 235 worldwide, this is a huge hit.
Movie: Underdog
Prediction: $15 million
Actual: $11.5 millionOh, fuck this movie.
Movie: Chuck and Larry
Prediction: $10.5 million
Actual: $10.5 million
Movie: Hairspray
Prediction: $10 million
Actual: $9 millionWhatever.
Movie: Harry Potter 5
Prediction: $9.5 million
Actual: $9.5 millionYou bet.
Movie: No Reservations
Prediction: N/A
Actual: $6.5 millionBleh.
Movie: Hot Rod
Prediction: $9 million
Actual: $5 millionSweeeet.
*Every Friday and Monday Apples and Moustaches predicts and publishes box office returns. Jericho Royall bases all of his predictions on his lifelong fascination with bad movies and stupid people and how the combination of the two directly affects the weekly box office. Apples and Moustaches Box Office Report, (aka AMBOR): Because it’s pretty incredible how much the bottom line is affected by people who can’t spell the bottom line.