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Two Apples and a Moustache on a Friday

Yeah, just three today. Deal with it.

The best new show on TV is Hard Knocks on HBO, featuring the training camp of the Kansas City Chiefs. If that show doesn’t make you want to go run stadium stairs, bench press till a vein bursts in your forehead and throw on some pads while running head first through another human being’s heart, than I don’t know what will. This is the third version of the Hard Knocks show; the first following the defending Super Bowl champion Baltimore Ravens in 2000. The second following the Dallas Cowboys a couple years ago. The show has evolved leaps and bounds from its early inception. It resembles a scripted reality show similar to a Laguna Beach or The Hills (not that I watch those shows, of course). That’s not to say that the producers have told the coaches and players what to say, but they definitely understand the tension and flow of training camp and have created intriguing situations from the get go. The veteran vs. rookie quarterback battle, the overweight 22-year-old lineman growing up on the field, the star running back and his contract disputes, the likeable ‘charlie hustle’ guy trying to make the squad…it’s intense. And that was only the first episode. Watch it. Trust me, it’s worth it.

I like my soy lattes scalding hot. Coffee ice cream is as good as it gets. I hate romantic comedies about people in their 50s and 60s. My dad is my best friend in the whole world. I check CNN.com 7-10 times a day, half expecting the world to be gone when I get there. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow-up. I know I found my soul mate. Jackson Five’s song ‘ABC’ is following me lately. I’ve been early to work everyday this week. Live from Abby Road is a great program to watch when you’ve had a couple drinks. And to quote the lady pushing the stroller on Masonic and Fulton, “It’s Friday, where the forty at?!”


I don’t really get the new fashion trend of male cleavage. I understand that showing skin is always sexy, but seriously, how feminine can dudes get? I have a hard enough time wearing a v-neck undershirt let alone some of the obnoxious plunging v’s you see around these days. You know what else I can’t stand? The buttoned up shirt…unbuttoned about 4 or 5 buttons too many. One button says ‘let’s party.’ Two buttons says ‘I’m drunk’. Four or five buttons say ‘hey, who’s first in line to run the train on me back at my place?’ (Over the line? Are you kidding me? Have you read the shit Jericho writes in this space?)

Bonus Moustache:
Check out my cousin's new film he just finished writing, directing and filming in NYC. This kid is the real deal.

Want more? This one is his best film to date, in my opinion.