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Mental Kegels

Apologies in advance if Apples and Moustaches is bit scattered, distracted and overly sweaty this week. There is a perfect storm brewing that could very well lead to our demise. Two events this week in particular are looming;

Wednesday: The Raconteurs at Bimbo’s

Saturday: The NFL draft

We’re anticipating spontaneous combustion or possibly a gentle simmer, to a boil to a full blown explosion. So bear with us. Please. So for today, while we go through our mental kegels in prepartion for the week’s events…here are some links to check out:

*For our female readers, check out these bad ass shoes Gwyneth Paltrow is wearing. You know I’m not into shoe fetishes but these pics lead me to rethink my positioning.

*Radiohead is on Late Night with Conan O’Brien this Wednesday. They’re performing live from London and telecasting the performance in order to reduce their carbon footprint. Is there anything they can’t do? Damn it they're cool. Also, they have an upcoming hour long show on the Music HD channel sometime in May. We'll find the date/time for you...stay tuned.

*Kanye West and his fiancĂ© who nobody really cares about have broken up. I guess we have to go with the obvious joke here..“She takes my money…”

*An interview with Tina Fey and Amy Poheller discussing their new upcoming movie, Baby Mama. If I’ve said it once I’ve said it 1,000 times. These bitches are funny. I hope Kristen Wiig makes an appearance.

*Over/Under on Myley Cyrus turning into the next Britney Spears? Two years, 3 months, 12 days. That's my guess. Check these pics out and then place your bets.

*This video always leaves me satisfied.